E-mail Response Times

What's the purpose of this page?  To list the response times of some of my e-mail queries sent to specific companies along with the quality of those responses.  If you've ever wondered if sending an e-mail to a large corporation would ever get you some kind of a response, this list may help you determine which companies may respond quickly to your e-mail queries, and which companies may have what might best be described as a "phantom e-mail system" created just for show.

Company and e-mail address Query Response time Quality of response
The Movie Network, address unknown (online form) Asked if the number of widescreen movie presentations will increase in the near future.  If it doesn't, I mentioned I would have no choice but to cancel my subscription. Never answered back. Bad.  And I even requested a response on the online form.
CFCF-12 (local CTV affiliate), programming@cfcf12.ca Asked if the recent broadcast of two movies in the widescreen format was a fluke or was to become a regular feature. Next working day. Quick but dumb.  Received a response that had nothing to do with the question.
Over Canada Productions, stephanie@beautifulbc.ca Asked if the video transfer of the "Over Canada" DVD was anamorphic or not. Same day. Quick and to the point.  Unfortunately, the transfer is not anamorphic.
Motocyclettes Alex Berthiaume, admin1@alexberthiaume.com Asked about the availability of a certain model motorcycle in Canada. Next working day. Quick and to the point.  Unfortunately, the motorcycle wasn't available.
AnimEigo, orders@animeigo.com Had to clear up a minor problem with my Urusei Yatsura order. Next day. Problem solved quickly and efficiently.  Kim is a real professional when it comes to customer service.
BMW Films, Webmaster@bmwfilms.com Asked for a copy of "The Hire" promotional DVD. Two days, on a Sunday. Quick and to the point, they agreed to ship me a copy.  The disc was received one month later as promised.